Recognition of Dean Peter F. Cowhey’s retirement included a symposium with business leaders, policymakers and academics, highlighting his contributions to our ever-changing world
Jesse Driscoll explains the challenges that arise when conducting research in difficult settings in his latest book, “Doing Global Fieldwork”
Donation to the UC San Diego school will spur scholarship on economic and technological change
Teevrat Garg studies the economic and social impacts of environmental hazards – and his research provides a roadmap for sustainability efforts
The leader at the World Bank is poised to take the helm of one of the world’s top professional schools in international…
Center for Commerce and Diplomacy conference draws together leading minds, including the prime minister of Jamaica and the former CEO of General Electric, to chart a course for the next era of international integration putting domestic needs, climate change and national security front and center
Assistant professor Nico Ravanilla’s research, buoyed by several grants, continues on multiple fronts amid the coronavirus pandemic
New associate professor Samuel Bazzi, a UC San Diego graduate, joins GPS faculty, bringing expertise in international migration and religious influence on societies
David Victor and coauthor Danny Cullenward discuss in their new book why market-based approaches to cutting emissions fall short