Meet the student scholars selected for academic excellence, leadership and dedication to bettering the world
21st Century China Center board member Denis Tse establishes endowed fellowship in honor of his mentor and to empower graduate students to focus on their academic journey
Morgan Furr talks soccer, building connections with your cohort and the importance of sticking to a schedule
From panelists to negotiators and attendees, GPS had boots on the ground at the major international climate event and presented new research on practical climate and trade policies and practices
Lis Best ’12 was hired by alumna Molly Gavin ’03 as an intern at Qualcomm, Inc. and by the end of the summer, she was offered a full-time position as a senior analyst after graduation.
Callegari and Emily Collins share how the Sylff Fellowship is shaping their futures
David Levitch ’06 is a senior manager at Nielsen in Vietnam. He hired GPS student Hrishikesh Somani from a resume book distributed from Career Services.
Rhyanne Lynch ’20 works as an opportunity development representative at Equinix, a multinational company that specializes in Internet connection and data centers.
Tina Ngo Bartel ’12, director of the Center of Excellence for Labor Market Research, still applies the skills she learned from her first position out of GPS to her roles today.