In a Q&A, two students open up about how their fellowships are preparing them to break global boundaries after GPS
Professor David Victor pares into five points how the election jolted parts of the nation and, in turn, generated apprehensions in the scientific community
GPS’s 21st Century China Center welcomed Ambassador Charlene Barshefsky for its fifth annual Robert F. Ellsworth Memorial Lecture
In a Q&A complementing our Storify tour of a day in the life of Jeanne Marasigan, the 2018 BA/MIA candidate paints a picture of what attending GPS looks like today
The GPS faculty member opens up about some of the dearest objects that adorn his office, painting a picture of his professional backstory and personal interests
As part of an ongoing series to spotlight GPS’s top employers, we profile why GAO hires our graduates, plus why current alumni enjoy working there
As part of her Pacific Leadership Fellowship, Yoriko Kawaguchi rediscovered the strength of and predicted what’s in store for U.S.-Japan relations
As part of an ongoing series, we give students the creative liberty to opine on their favorite memories from the School and “why GPS” is a solid fit to pursue their graduate education
In time for International Women’s Day on March 8, we spotlight five GPS alumnae and their professional achievements stemming from moments of being bold in their careers