Providing detailed information on probabilities can reduce fear of negative outcomes, according to new UC San Diego research By Christine Clark and…
Research from UC San Diego’s School of Global Policy and Strategy finds the technology is a boon to trade, allowing participating countries to provide higher income and more opportunities to their people
New research explores the origins of state-funded schools across 40 different countries
Pandemic Lockdowns Had Severe Mental Health Consequences for Women in the Developing World
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Research examines containment policies’ impacts on women in areas with limited social safety nets
UC San Diego Mexico Violence Resource Project Goes Beyond Cartels to Study Drug War
GPS professors weigh in on the definition of globalization – and the context globalization provides for their studies
New research shows real-time social media data may have been a source of military intelligence for the Kremlin and potentially other governments
Meet GPS’s new assistant professor, Uma Karmarkar, a neuroeconomist who looks at consumer behavior in theory driven-frameworks
Led by Ran Goldblatt and featuring GPS faculty, this international development symposium seeks to address our world’s greatest challenges, at scale, with the UC San Diego Big Pixel Initiative