Heat Waves Amplify Existing Inequities. Meet the Researchers Working to Change That.
By GPS Media
7 Mins read
Workers in “exposed industries” such as construction, farming and manufacturing face significant impacts to both their health and productivity during periods of extreme heat. According to research led by UC San Diego economist Joshua Graff Zivin, Black and brown communities bear a greater burden of these impacts because they are overrepresented in these industries.
In addition to a splashy new name, the startup incubator at GPS is enhancing the resources it provides to early-career entrepreneurs
Teevrat Garg, economist at the School of Global Policy and Strategy, has authored a series of studies revealing the myriad consequences extreme heat has on South Asia
UC San Diego’s DERConnect, an NSF-funded powergrid testbed, will control various campus assets, including buildings, solar panels, EV chargers, light fixtures, and smart plugs, to enhance energy management and innovation.
Drawing from the expertise of the UC San Diego community, UC San Diego Today presents a list of seven ways that heat impacts health.
David Victor and Michael Davidson argue that America’s tough stance on China in the clean energy sector is counterproductive, advocating instead for a strategy of collaboration and competition to stay competitive and innovative, leveraging trade and investment to bolster the U.S. clean energy industry.
Study Reveals Increasing Polarization in Climate Change Coverage Between Elite and Heartland News Sources
3 Mins read
New research led by the University of California San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy reveals a crucial disparity in how climate change is reported across different types of news outlets and locations.
Study from UC San Diego’s School of Global Policy and Strategy finds Brazil is expected to suffer from severe weather, hurting crop yields and one of the country’s largest public sector banks
New research led by UC San Diego reveals that omitting rules and norms in socio-economic systems—known as institutions for short—can change the costs and pathways for effective climate mitigation