How the alumna ascended her way to the top of the government affairs division at Qualcomm
The last formal class of IR/PS entrusted to ‘write the social contract of this century’
GPS welcomed more than 85 alumni back to their academic stomping grounds and honoring Portia Bibb, and calling point to climate change
One of GPS’s newest faculty members discusses her first year at the School and summer whereabouts
Gift from Japanese technology leader Broadband Tower helps create program
Investing in the Future: Alumni Couple Makes Historic Gift The University of California, San Diego’s School of International Relations and Pacific Studies…
Award-Winning Blog by IR/PS Professor Tackles Most Pressing Problems in World’s Conflict Zones
By GPS Media
3 Mins read
Founded by Walter and Erica Chenoweth of the University of Denver in 2012, the blog has been honored by the Online Achievement in International Studies Awards (also known as “the Duckies”) several times in categories such as Best Blog and Best Blog Post.
Commentary by a pair of UC San Diego researchers suggests society is striving for a misleading and unattainable climate goal