A Q&A with the Mayor of Vitória, Brazil during his Pacific Leadership Fellowship
As part of an ongoing series, we give alumni a chance to share their favorite GPS memories
Meet four GPS alumni who are working to improve democracy and the electoral process nationwide
Meet GPS’s new associate professor, Alexander Gelber, who works to improve the labor market with a focus on the social safety net
In a Q&A complementing our Flickr tour of a day in the life of Juan Sebastian Herrera, the 2020 MIA candidate paints a picture of what attending GPS looks like today
A Q&A with the Secretary of the Indian Department of Telecommunications during her Pacific Leadership Fellowship
Awarded in the name of the Emperor of Japan, GPS Professor Emeritus Ellis Krauss is bestowed the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon for his meritorious service and scholarly dedication towards Japanese-U.S. relations
Meet GPS’s new assistant professor, Agustina Paglayan, who works to improve the quality and equity of education systems, in both developing and developed countries alike
World-Renowned National Security Think Tank Secures $1M in Annual Funding from State
By GPS Media
4 Mins read
Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation has secured more competitive social science funds than any other research entity of its kind