If Countries Implement Paris Pledges with Cuts to Aerosols, Millions of Lives can be Saved
3 Mins read
A strategic approach to reducing both greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution can reap major health and temperature benefits, according to new…
GPS professor Ulrike Schaede shares her book’s recent international accolades, the resounding success of JFIT’s ‘Zoominar’ series and her latest Japan research
Building a more inclusive space
6 Mins read
The first cohort of GPS Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Fellows reflects on the past year’s advancements and projects for the future
GPS professors share the books they can’t put down, on topics ranging from reparations to Mao-era China
David Fortunato’s latest book explores how partisan politics stymy the process of governing – and how voters play a role in driving politicians to remain at odds with each other
Recognition of Dean Peter F. Cowhey’s retirement included a symposium with business leaders, policymakers and academics, highlighting his contributions to our ever-changing world
Jesse Driscoll explains the challenges that arise when conducting research in difficult settings in his latest book, “Doing Global Fieldwork”
Alumni Perspectives: A commitment to helping current students in a changing world
By GPS Media
2 Mins read
Liliana Pao, GPS alumni board president, explains how alumni came together over the past year to foster connections with current students, despite…
Donation to the UC San Diego school will spur scholarship on economic and technological change